Social Media for Business: Conference

Thursday 20th March 2014, 09:45 - 16:00
Herman Miller National Design Centre, London

Thank you to everyone, speakers and delegates alike, who made this event such a success. Thanks also to our hosts at Herman Miller, who provided a lovely space to be in for the conference. Look out for details of our next Social Media event on this page, or join our mailing list to receive information as soon as it’s available.

Social Media: A communications tool for all personality types?

Introduction and Chair for the day, Nigel Oseland, Workplace Unlimited

Building your social media strategy

Su Butcher, Just Practising

Social media enables people to find, evaluate and engage directly with the correct people within an organisation. It is particularly popular with professionals, as it builds on their preferred method of obtaining advice and services; the referral network. If you want to use social media to leverage this network, a coherent strategy is essential.

Su Butcher helps the notoriously conservative construction industry make social media work as a business-generating machine. In her presentation, Su will

  1. Introduce the key elements of a successful social media strategy
  2. Illustrate how they go together using examples from her work, and
  3. Set out the ten-step process she uses to help her clients put social media into action for their businesses.
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Blogging for Business

Paul Wilkinson

Incorporating blogging into your social media strategy will help differentiate your business. A well-maintained blog will provide regularly updated content to disseminate via other social media; it will offer insights to customers looking for authoritative guidance; and it will build the reputation of your company's people as reliable sources of interesting and valuable information. Writing a B2B construction technology blog since 2005, Paul will offer some practical pointers on effective blogging for business.

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10 things you can do right now to improve the visibility of your website in search engines

Pritesh Patel, Pritesh Patel Digital Marketing Ltd

Search engines have evolved dramatically over the last few years with the emergence of social media channels and the need for real time information. This presentation looks at some of the major factors that search engines, such as Google, use and look for when displaying a set of results for searchers queries. Pritesh will also cover how to measure the quality of your search engine traffic to help you keep on the right track.

From this presentation, attendees will learn what needs to be done and why, in order to improve the visibility of their own website, content and external marketing activity. Pritesh will provide attendees with some actionable tips to implement immediately and kick start your search engine marketing activity.

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Social Media in the Workplace

Doug Shaw, What Goes Around Limited

  • Can you use social media to help make work more effective?
  • What role does social media have in learning and development?
  • Should you trust staff to have unfettered access to social media or do you need control and a policy to make it work for you?

This talk by Doug will be drawn from his experience on working with companies trying to get to grips with how social media does, and does not work for them. As well as sharing a few examples of what Doug has seen implemented well he’ll talk about mistakes and pitfalls too.

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Social Media Disasters and how to turn them to your advantage

Paul Skeldon, Videobaby Media

Social media is clearly an excellent tool for (self) publicity and for creating interest and communities around what you do. But beware: it can go horrible wrong... As a bit of light relief we take a look at some of the great social media gaffs by the great, the good and the ordinary Joes out there and learn how some managed to turn them into marketing gold (or at least a really great viral video) and a load of international media coverage.

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It's good to *Talk - How Social Media can help build an audience and not interrupt it

Angus Grady, Customeyes Media

Many see social media as an extension of "disruptive" media, simply bombarding social platforms with buy me or pointless announcements that interupt the recipient's day and adding no value. There is another way and that is to use the various search facilities available to find your audience and to search for what is relevent to them and then engage. This brief talk will cover searching on Linkedin, Twitter, FaceBook and Google+ ... looking for new business connections, content,competitor intelligence.

Some useful tools and techniques will be shared to help with searching and organising your social media activity.

"No man listened himself out of a job" said Calvin Coolidge - an important quote to have in mind when using the internet and social media.

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Social Media at EY - Ernst & Young

Charlie Duff, Global Social Media Relations Manager, EY

“Though she be but little, she is fierce.” Social Media professional, community manager and journalist, Charlie is a start up employee gone corporate. Now Global Social Media Relations Manager for EY she works with EY’s global leaders on personal branding, in marketing and corporate profiles and content for entrepreneurial and innovation services, tax, energy and technology sectors.

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