Workstock on 15 October Conference

Workplace Trends welcomes the first ever Workstock on 15 October Conference

Wednesday 1 October, 2014

This year we're delighted to include in our day the very first pop-up un-conference, Workstock, led by our morning chair, Neil Usher, with Pecha Kucha style (20 slides @ 20 seconds) presentations from a wealth of special guests: Click on the speakers' names to read more about them.

The curated workplace: sailing a square-rigged training vessel in stormy seas
Brian Condon - A listener, intervening in creative collaboration

Just enough structure to encourage something to happen. And no more.
Lloyd Davis - Getting lost on purpose since 1964
Jon Husband - from Wirearchy

The power of 'you'
Gareth Jones - Creative troublemaker with non-conformist tendencies

The peloton as a metaphor for a responsive, adaptive organisation
Richard Martin - Generalist

Never Mind the B*****ks 
Anne Marie McEwan - Girl with a curl – middle of forehead

Social Onslaught
Janet Parkinson - Agile Reprobate

The evolutionary power of joined up writing
Euan Semple - Changing the world - one conversation at a time

Unleashing John: A Week in the Life of an Unwilling Production Manager
Andy Swann - Idealist. Enthusiast. People, Work, Drums, Future
Doug Shaw - What Goes Around Ltd

Punk Workplace: make it what you feel is right
Perry Timms - Hopeful romantic about the future of work - Ripping off straplines; unknowingly so

We hope to see you there!